[urq] RE : Injector cooling fan testing WAS (stupid question of the day)

Louis-Alain Richard laraa at sympatico.ca
Wed Mar 22 09:44:49 EST 2006

Jim and Johan, 

The switch/sender for the injector cooling fan is NOT the thermo-time
switch. The TTS is located on the back of the head, in a water passage
and its role is to make the 6th injector (cold start valve) work only
when the engine is cold.

The switch/sender for the injector cooling is indeed located on the
wastegate heat shield. And you are correct in stating that one just has
to ground its single wire to test the complete circuit. 

If you want to test the switch, then just place it over the steam
produced by a kitchen steamer; it should close at 85C (on an MB car).
WX/WR/GV cars have a 100C switch.

For the record: 
034 919 369B = 85C
035 919 481B = 100C



> Johan,
> Ground the power wire to the thermo time switch (sending unit) located
> on the wg heat shield.  If the injector fan comes on, then your thermo
> time-switch is shot.  If the fan does not come on, then either the
> relay or the fan is shot.  BTDT just last fall.
> HTH,
> Jim

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