[urq] ///S4cylinder...engine rebuild, not this weekend!

AUDIJIM at aol.com AUDIJIM at aol.com
Fri Mar 24 21:59:27 EST 2006

Today I was all set to spend most of the day light hours working on the 
rebuild. Come to find out, I received an incorrect connecting rod bearing half. I'm 
using the upper rod bearing half for both the upper and lower. The upper 
bearings are hardened and have a P/N of 034 105 701 B. So I have 9 bearing of the 
correct type and 1 odd ball bearing half that is the regular lower bearing 
part number. I'm kicking myself for not catching this sooner. Note to self: Check 
parts against invoice as soon as they are received!!! I also found out that 
one of my vendors sent me a complete set of connecting rod bearings that were 
labeled main bearings. So now I don't have those either. That box was sealed 
and one could only guess that the parts in a sealed box was correct with the 
label that was on it indicating that it was a set of main bearings, not 
connecting rod bearings. Huge difference!

SO I removed the crank shaft and oil pump and rear main seal flange. I 
removed the piston oil squirters and stopped there. Tomorrow I will use the flex 
hone and cut the glaze off the cylinders. I guess I could also install the main 
bearing cap ARP studs.

I did assemble the piston and Pauter rods this late afternoon. I also 
installed the piston rings after I gauged them in the cylinder bore. 

That's it for this weekend, what a bust. Maybe I will be able to do more when 
the correct bearing half comes in and the new set of main bearings.

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