[urq] 80 Euro FS in ebay...

j.koenig j.koenig at adelphia.net
Thu Mar 30 07:15:03 EST 2006

Interesting, and, as Steve alluded, doesn't the "C" in the VIN pretty well rule out its 
really being an '81?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Del Tergo" <mdeltergo at hotmail.com>

A number of the interior items also say its not an 81, at least not like my

Steve Eiche
Wed Mar 29 13:44:04 EST 2006

Wellll, this doesn't quite add up. First off, it is an '82 production
model, and a late one at that assuming that the VIN is correct. My '82
car, CA900652 was built in 12/81, CA901254 would have been built well
into '82. There is no way possible way to call that car an '81. That
would be a problem with the 25 year EPA/DOT rules quoted, which I find
hard to believe that it would be that easy. 

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