[urq] RE : RE : 1985 Rear bumper : no holes ???

Louis-Alain Richard laraa at sympatico.ca
Fri Mar 31 21:06:49 EST 2006

PITA you said ?  Well, how about more than 1 hour just to bolt that
thing to the body ? And I have scratches up to the middle of the

Well, it is indeed possible, but Eric's car was missing the little
bracket that links the 2 bumper bolts together (857 807 291). Without
this part, the bolts are nearly impossible to attain, so I made some
myself out of sheetmetal.

But now, the car is looking much more like it should, IMHO. And Eric
left my place for an evening with his car, in a much better shape than
when he left it to me 3 weeks ago... 

The last leg of the restoration will begin next week, with the brake job
(OK, OK, I hear you : a huge consensus tells me that G60 and vented
rears are the way to go !) and the interior bits. 

Thanks again, and more to follow !


> -----Message d'origine-----
> yes you can still push it in.  It's been a few years - but here is
> what I
> remember - I did the threaded shaft version of the bumper mod - as
> oppposed
> to dumping the fluid - or whatever other ways are out there.  I think
> I
> threaded pretty much the entire shaft - the bumper shock bolts are
> behind
> the bumper so you have to squeeze your hand and the wrench up between
> the
> bumper and rear valence.  PITA - but totally doable.  You've done
> harder
> things already for sure -
> Brandon

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