[urq] Hot Start Problems Continued...

Ado Sigal a.sigal at bluewin.ch
Tue May 2 20:48:40 EDT 2006

>>Idle is strong and steady at 850 rpm.
>>Hot Starts:
>>When attempting a hot start, after the car has been sitting for a few 
>>minutes, it immediately catches, stumbles, then stalls.  Car will 
>>continue cranking with good spark, but there appears to be some vapor 
>>lock or flooding-not sure.  No strong smell of gas at all.
>>What should I pursue next?  I was leaning towards fuel pump check 
>>valve, then injectors.  Does this make sense?  I don't believe that 
>>there are any vacuum leaks, however, I will keep checking this as well.
>>Thoughts, suggestions, please?
Although no smell of gas, try disconnecting cold start injector, and see 
if there is a change in behaviour.



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