[urq] Picture of the seperation? : Strut tower bearings for early UrQ

Ado Sigal a.sigal at bluewin.ch
Fri May 12 14:52:17 EDT 2006

steven j wrote:

>I just removed my strut last night and the strut bearing went rolling under the car when I turned the strut upside down.  Also I took this picture from the wheel housing looking up at the strut towers.   Did I have this separation you are speaking about?  I was suprised to find blue color when looking up at the top of the strut tower.
>  http://pictureposter.audiworld.com/37382/lookinup.jpg
>  steve 
You have total collapse there. Rubber has collapsed and separated from 
metal bearing carrier, and the bearing has separated from its socket. 
Not a pretty site, and by the looks of it  was happening for some time. 
Perfect time for Mount Savers, and gluing the bearing into the socket.


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