[urq] 85 - Brake conversion questions

brozmotorz brozmotorz at free.fr
Tue Nov 14 18:23:53 EST 2006

A4 brakes will fit under 15"
you need just the calipers and disks, straight bolt on
calipers can come from other cars (beetle, passat...), only the disks have 
to be A4

vacuum is not mandatory for A4's, I have them with stock servo

the TT parts in question are the calipers carriers, they are needed to use 
bigger disks but then no more 15"

may be the servo but also the repartitor/security block (bolted under the 
servo) ?
guys with ABS often just supress it but I don't like that too much as you 
loose the security feature
(shifts braking to the front of rear fails)

I would change the calipers and hoses first and see if the problem remains



> My 85 Urq starting having problems with brakes not releasing, they
> either drag or stay fully locked.  This was intermittent at first but
> got worse over time.  It's been at the shop for a while and they
> diagnosed it as a faulty brake servo (not the bomb).  This part is
> unobtanium and has been quoted at between $700 and $1200, if it were
> available.   So my questions/choices are:
> 1. Keep looking for a LHD brake servo.  Does anyone know of a source?
> 2. Rebuild it.  There was some posts recently about a rebuilt kit
> consisting of O-rings.  Is this normally what's needed?
> 3.  Convert to A4 brakes and a vacuum system.  While this means the car
> iwill no longer be "stock", it may be the best long term option
> considering a lack of parts for the factory system.  I've searched the
> Audifans archive, AW and used The Google but have not been able to find
> a comprehensive list of parts and procedures to do this.  There was also
> a question about UrS6 or V8 bits for the rear and may TT pieces for the
> front.  I'm looking for a system that will fit under the 15" R8 rims,
> preserve brake bias and hopefully "bolt-on".  Would appreciate any links
> or suggestions.
> Thanks,
> - Felix 

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