[urq] Front fender liners: is this feasible ?

Andrew Finney afinn1 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 5 07:34:56 EDT 2006

Fender coatings.

I looked into this quite a lot when I redid the underside of the '85. It was
a Beverly Hills car all its life, so "re-did" is an overstatement, just
cleaned and beefed up the existing protection and spot repaired a few
scrapes in the coating. Wurth makes two products, both available in aerosol
cans, one is a high temp application (for engine bays), and one is a
standard product for the body. Both are excellent, go on like paint and dry
reasonably hard. I protected every single new fastener on the underside with
a coating of the standard wax and all the engine compartment seams with the
high temp stuff.

I also tried the two Waxoyl producst, one is pinkish, and one is black like
rubberized undercoating. These came highly recommended from a lot of british
and european car enthusiast groups. There has been some maligning of the
product on this list. In hot temps these products are slightly tacky and to
some degree I wish I had not applied the black product the wheel wells
because working under the car in the summer will may you messy, but it is
self healing unlike undercoating. It gets over 100 degrees F here routinely
in the summer. I used the pink product on all the inner body panels and
especially around the inside of the rear wheel arches (reached from the back

When I replaced the carpet with one from a 4000Q I wanted to strengthen the
carpet backing because as you all know, the plastic backing to the carpet is
brittle and cracks. I found that Rhino truck bed liner, applied in 3 coats,
binds the carpet back together amazingly and is incredible durable. I would
HIGHLY recommend this product as spot repair for the stock urathane (?)
undercoating over any sprayable rubberized coating.

Just some thoughts.

Andrew Finney
1985 UrQ soon to have  4.2L V8.

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