[urq] Need help in LA area, need to borrow a type 85 hood

Steve Eiche seiche at shadetreesoftware.com
Mon Oct 9 20:34:39 EDT 2006

As some of you may know, I have been helping out with a group purchase 
of carbon fiber Sport type type 85 hoods from Fiber Images in Palmdale, 
CA.  Well, Fiber Images have the top side mold done, but they need a 
STOCK (preferably '86+, but any type 85 hood w hood to get the proper 
latching mechanism and reinforcement details.  The sport type hood they 
they used to get the top side mold from had the latching parts removed, 
so they need to see a stock for this.  While we have a few people across 
the country who have offered hoods, shipping a steel hood 1000+ miles is 
pretty expensive, especially if you want it back.

Anyway, if there is anyone near LA that could help, even if it is just 
to suggest a salvage yard in the area that might have a hood that we 
could have shipped over we could come up with some compensation.   If 
you can loan out a hood, they would only need it for a few days, and it 
would be returned intact.  It doesn't need to be pretty, just straight.

Please email me direct or call me at 800 419 6896 ext 902 if you can help.



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