[urq] New (to me) UrQ owner and couple questions

Peter pete at s-werks.com
Tue Oct 24 11:09:31 EDT 2006

Thank you Mike.  I appreciate your offer to assist.  You are the 3rd person
to already have responded to me and offered a lending hand.  Coming from
other forums/environments this already gives me a great feeling!

Martin Pajak has offered to go through an old fiche, but I would love a copy
in PDF if possible (I know this might be time consuming so I won't be upset
if you pass).  This would be the most ideal as I can actually extract part
numbers and descriptions as listed if given to me in a good, clear PDF

I have taken your suggestion regarding the CGT and have already begun the
hunt.  I will bascially be putting up a ShelterLogic garage to store/begin
restoration of the car and there would be enough room in there for another
car and to work, so purchasing the CGT and having them side-by-side sounds
like an excellent idea.  Thanks.

I will be assembling the web interface portion of this "NLA parts tracker"
in the next few days.  At that point I should have it all working and a few
test parts in there for example sake.  Once that is set, I will begin the
building of the list.  If you want to work on the PDF ETKA doc you have of
the printed fiche, go ahead and you can email it to pete at s-werks.com

Thanks for the warm hospitality here guys!

Kindest Regards,

Peter Sinkevich

On 10/24/06 9:52 AM, "Michael Hopton" <Michael at siliconoptix.com> wrote:

> Peter,
> Congratulations on purchasing your ur-q. I will certainly help
> listing NLA parts. Regarding an old copy of Etka, I can't help as
> I only have a newish Euro version. I do have a paper copy of the
> parts fiche that Audidudi printed many years back. Let me know
> if you want a copy. I could probably scan and .pdf it. Since
> Audi will be deleting the ur-q from Etka soon, I think it is
> unlikely they will come after me for copyright infringement.
> If you have space I would buy a Coupe parts car for a lot of the
> NLA parts. Such as window seals, door trim etc. Coupe GTs are
> becoming harder to find. If you have a car with old suspension
> and early fuse box - it will be much harder to "restore" than
> an '83.5+
> I started restoring my '83 before my youngest daughter was
> born and she is seven now.... 'tho I might be ahead of Steve
> Eiche.
> Cheers, Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: urq-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] On
> Behalf Of Peter Sinkevich
> Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 8:07 AM
> To: urq at audifans.com
> Subject: [urq] New (to me) UrQ owner and couple questions
> Hello listers,
>   I recently sealed the deal for a Helios Blue UrQ and will be bringing
> it home in the coming weeks to put up and begin restoration.  I bought
> this car full well knowing the growing concerns of the owners in regards
> to NLA parts and the general rarity of parts in general.  I am no
> stranger to rare parts for Audi's currently owning several, one of which
> is a Ginster Coupe Quattro.  Some of you might know me from Audiworld,
> Motorgeek over the years or more recently when starting my own shop, S
> Werks Racing Development and a free and open forum, TDIF.
>   I see a real need to start tracking and listing NLA parts for general
> community reference as well as substitute parts/solutions for the guys
> who don't fall in the purists category and wish to resolve their woes in
> regards to parts unavailability so they may continue using their cars as
> they wish.
> In this spirit, I will be going through my '03 (maybe '04) Euro ETKA to
> start to get a handle on the NLA parts list.  What I started to find
> discouraging initially at first glance is the removal of the part
> numbers when parts go NLA!  So my question to you all is 2 prong. Does
> anyone have an older version of ETKA floating about that does not have
> any NLA UrQ parts in it, and secondly, what parts in the last few years
> have gone NLA that will not show up in my version?
>   Being as I am a new owner and have no general restoration schedule for
> this car (basically it is as long as it takes to do it right) this NLA
> list will be a side project I compile in my spare time.  Anyone who
> wishes to participate is more than welcome and will also receive credit.
> I will be making a special list/database lookup on TDIF.com where this
> list will be kept up-to-date on a monthly basis and will also show newly
> NLA parts with dates, descriptions and part numbers. including known
> solutions/workarounds.
> Great to be here and I hope I can make some positive contributions to
> the community as I have in the past for other Audi communities.
> Thanks,
> Peter Sinkevich
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Peter Sinkevich

S Werks Racing Development
71 Aiken St
Unit L9
Norwalk, CT 06851

T: 203.317.7500


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