[urq] New (to me) UrQ owner and couple questions

Peter Sinkevich pete at s-werks.com
Wed Oct 25 05:57:10 EDT 2006

I am aware of the difference in rarity... but there are certain things you
still fight over that are becoming near impossible to find on the CQ (i.e.-
windshields for example as they were completely unique to the CQ).  But I
love that it is very rare and unique.

As for the 83 microfiche... I have a very good scanner here in my office at
home.  If you don't mind sending it off, I can most definitely scan it for a
very high res picture and use that as the basis for the list.  I am just
VERY impressed with everyone's offer to help and assist me.

Send me mail directly and we can discuss the sending of the fiche so your
concerns/needs are met when I use it.

Kindest Regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: P Cole [mailto:pcolegrps at mn.rr.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 12:06 AM
To: pete at s-werks.com
Subject: Re: [urq] New (to me) UrQ owner and couple questions

On Tue, 24 Oct 2006 08:06:30 -0400, Peter Sinkevich wrote:

>Hello listers,
>  I recently sealed the deal for a Helios Blue UrQ and will be bringing it

I've got one Helios early '83 and looking into another one.

>home in the coming weeks to put up and begin restoration.  I bought this
>full well knowing the growing concerns of the owners in regards to NLA
>and the general rarity of parts in general.  I am no stranger to rare parts
>for Audi's currently owning several, one of which is a Ginster Coupe
>Quattro.  Some of you might know me from Audiworld, Motorgeek over the
>or more recently when starting my own shop, S Werks Racing Development and
>free and open forum, TDIF.

The parts for the '83 Urq's are MUCH more rare than the CQ. The CQ shared
parts with many 
cars well into the 90's.
The Urq was HAND BUILT from parts on hand ie some 4k, some 5k some VW. 
My first Audi ( a 1981 Coupe FWD) was very,very similar to the Urq ( I know
I had both sitting
in the driveway together before the junk man hauled the '81 away- 305k
miles, 24 years)
This makes for some interesting problems, both mechanical and especially
electrical in nature.
Many of the vacuum parts are ka-ka and there are NO replacements for more
NLA fun.


>  I see a real need to start tracking and listing NLA parts for general
>community reference as well as substitute parts/solutions for the guys who
>don't fall in the purists category and wish to resolve their woes in
>to parts unavailability so they may continue using their cars as they wish.
>In this spirit, I will be going through my '03 (maybe '04) Euro ETKA to
>start to get a handle on the NLA parts list.  What I started to find
>discouraging initially at first glance is the removal of the part numbers
>when parts go NLA!  So my question to you all is 2 prong. Does anyone have
>an older version of ETKA floating about that does not have any NLA UrQ
>in it, and secondly, what parts in the last few years have gone NLA that
>will not show up in my version?

I have the 1983 factory microfiche ( it was the only way to ID/find parts
for my '81)
and would be willing to send it to someone to have it scanned.

>  Being as I am a new owner and have no general restoration schedule for
>this car (basically it is as long as it takes to do it right) this NLA list

Restoration especially a complete one takes time and $$. The faster you want
it the more $$
it takes.
>Great to be here and I hope I can make some positive contributions to the
>community as I have in the past for other Audi communities.
>Peter Sinkevich

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