[urq] Intercooler Fan?

Claus Vegener vegener at post7.tele.dk
Sat Oct 28 16:04:36 EDT 2006

I'll let you know, when I have tried it in practice.
At front of a 034EFI radiator I have placed a huge IC.
At back 2 flat fans at 25 cm each programmed to start from an EGO of the 
Due to the close placement of the IC to the radiator, I place 2 25cm flat 
fans pushing at front of the IC,
depending on intake temperature and charge.
(A WR to AAN project with Garrett T035R turbo, special IM and EM)
I have noticed, that the "real" solution is to cut a hole in the roof and 
place the radiator in the trunk.
Next plan if  fans and waterinjecton or CO2 cooling don't help.
Hope to have an answer in December. Driwing to Spain from Denmark just now 
with 2 horses, 2 dogs but only one wife.
No - I use a Land Rover Discovery as puller for a 2600 kg horsetrailer.
BTW: sparewheels in the trunk? Use good tyres and drop the wheels at all.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "brozmotorz" <brozmotorz at free.fr>
To: "eric harten" <audi90sq at yahoo.com>
Cc: "urq" <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 28, 2006 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: [urq] Intercooler Fan?

> afaik, fan on an intercooler is like pee on a napalm fire.
> when you look at heatsoak temperatures beetween dyno and road driving, 
> even
> with big dyno fan, there is no way a small spal brings anything.
> what works is to build a scoop around the IC, water injection (very good) 
> or
> spraying on the IC.
> pierre
>> OK, so what are people's thoughts on putting an intercooler fan on a UrQ?
>> Given the "stellar" location with "optimal" airflow of the stock unit,
>> would a fan do much good?  If so, I am thinking I would have to use a
>> pusher fan, due to the lack of room on the back side.  I have a Dialynx 
>> IC
>> and was thinking a 6" SPAL pusher might do the trick.  I am just worried
>> than fan itself might block to much natural air flow.  Any thoughts or
>> BTDTs?
>> Eric Harten
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