[urq] RE : Still running too rich.

Louis-Alain Richard laraa at sympatico.ca
Mon Oct 30 12:38:13 EST 2006

> -----Message d'origine-----
> Haven't had too much time to figure out why all of a sudden after
> my thermostat, my 83 is running way too rich. I did check the spark
plugs and
> found that they were all black (rich) and wet with fuel. My car has
> started right up, but always noticed that it ran rough for a few
seconds until
> excess fuel was burnt out of the cylinders. Last night I quickly
hooked up
> my dwell meter and had a reading of .40 at idle when the engine was up
> operating temp. As I mentioned earlier, I had to open air/fuel
> clockwise
> ) just for it to idle. I don't have the 4000K shut off problem. But
> hitting high RPMs I noticed that it does give off a bit of gas
> smoke.
> I'm guessing it could be the Frequency Valve (don't hear buzzing) and
or  the
> water temp sensor. But wouldn't any problem with those cause the 4000k
> shutoff?

The FV won't buzz if the engine is rich, it buzzes to enrich the

Since you worked in the t-stat area, the water temp sensor or its wiring
could be damaged, but it is easy to test the sensor when hot. If you
need a value, ask me I will measure it on my car. 

As for other possible causes, have you looked at the warm-up regulator
down there ? Vacuum hoses are brittle over time, and this could mess the
mixture badly.

Are all 5 plugs furry-black ? It might just be a bad plug or plug wire
and this would make the FV to stop buzzing at all.



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