[urq] subframe mount bolts

SpotatAshleys spotatashleys at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 13 16:14:13 EDT 2006

Many thanks to all who replied to my plea for help. Very useful indeed. In
the end, I went for the "drill a hole in the turret" fix.
I bought a hole cutting set, chose one that would just allow me to insert a
17mm ring spanner in to the hole, bought a bolt same spec as factory (10.9)
but 5 mm longer and wound this through the stripped captive nut and wound a
17mm lock nut on top. A sound fix. Just got to weld up the hole now but it
still looks rather sturdy and it may not be necessary.... Any thoughts?
Currently the turret is filled with waxoyl and the hole filled with a rubber
grommet. Just glad it was an easy to get at rear bolt that stripped.
One thing I did notice was that the cage that holds the captive nut inside
the turret only has three sides to it. It made me think that had I drilled
the hole on the correct side (the one facing west looking down on the car -
rather than the one facing to the rear) I may have been able to slide out
the stripped captive nut and inserted another. Or maybe not....Anyway, job
done and back on the road, which is of course where all quattros should be.
Thanks again for all the advice.


'87 WR (feeling good again)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave C" <dconner at gmail.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 4:43 AM
Subject: [urq] subframe mount bolts

> Another possible fix ... it worked on a type 44, amaybe it will work on an
> urq.
> The type 44 bolts are longer than necessary.  I was able to drill a
> oversize hole thru the stripped threads of the captive nut and then place
> new nut on top of it... hold the new nut in place by hand and thread a
> standard subframe bolt into it.  There was an existing small cutout in the
> body of the type 44 in the exact right place to allow insertion of the new
> nut.
> Hope this works on your car.
> Dave C.
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