[urq] front end clunk

Michele_Deltergo at KeyBank.com Michele_Deltergo at KeyBank.com
Fri Sep 22 14:57:59 EDT 2006

So far what it is not, sway bar/bushings.  it makes the noise with sway bar
disconnected.  CV axle related, it makes the noise with this removed.
Steering related all is tight and within adjustment.  Wheel bearing is
fully seated and held in place. (It is also new but doesn't guarantee no
problems, just highly unlikely)  Strut mounts replaced, not them. Spring
set on "rubber isolators) (pieces of rad hose) Still clink.  Tie rods new,
all bushing/mount/end bolts all tightened to spec.  All is pointing back to
housing itself and strut though I have a hard time believing there is
enough room in the housing for the strut to move far enough to make this
level of noise.  More when I know more.

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