[urq] Hood update

W.Stedmnan wstedman at sbcglobal.net
Mon Apr 16 15:28:58 EDT 2007

This is how I came to get my hood so all is cleared up!

I was also tired of waiting so I contacted Fiber Images personally 

And when I did they told me they had 3 hoods that had been done for some
time and yes just sitting collecting dust?

So then I contacted Chris at Automekanika who is now dealing with the hoods
Ed is too busy now to deal with it.

So then I asked her if I could send her the balance and just pick up the
hood because I am so close it would save me on the shipping she said sure,
so then I made arrangements to go pick up the hood!

Also I remember the 1st payments received would be the first to get
delivered too and I was #4or 5 on that list!


Just because I got my hood does not mean I am stop trying to get this all
figured out for everyone.

This deal has turned bad very bad in my opinion but  not as bad as the other
guy that took all the money for the other hood deal a few years back and to
this date I do not think he has paid any of that money back!!


I also wanted to do some other pieces like a carbon trunk and a taller Sport
Quattro carbon rear wing and some other parts but if I was to tell people
now send me the money for the deposit for this stuff, I would hope people
would tell me to go pound sand after how bad this deal has gone!!


I am also willing to make sure everyone gets there hoods just because I got
my hood does not mean I have to forget the whole thing now because I got my

I was in the same boat al all of you and I still think I am in the boat.


I am working with Steve Eiche on this so Please follow Steve Eiche email as
the sooner he gets the info the sooner everyone will get there hoods.


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