[urq] Liquid penetrant test - 50/50 mix of ATF and Acetone beats Kroil etc.

Grant Lenahan glenahan at vfemail.net
Fri Apr 27 09:40:33 EDT 2007

Hmm. Interesting.

But to what degree did this measure its ability to *penetrate* a 
rusty/corroded joint vs its ability to *lubricate* a bushing it could 


Ben Swann wrote:
> Subject: [MB] Liquid penetrant test
> Here is some interesting info to test various liquid penetrants.  This was
> taken from a machining site.  Thought I would pass it along for your
> consumption.  This is from the Vintage Jap MC list.
> The "test" was using a Baldwin compressometer set on 1200-pound scale to
> determine the load required to move a "dowel pin" on 6 identical setups.
> Since ASCII plain-text email tends to "move around", the three columns which
> follow may get messed up, but here goes...
> Oil used_________________Avg load(Lbs)to move pin______price/oz
> HomeBrew 50-50, ATF&Acetone______53___________________$0.10
> Kano Kroil_______________________106__________________$0.75
> Liquid Wrench____________________127__________________$0.21
> PB Blaster_______________________214__________________$0.35
> WD-40____________________________238__________________$0.25
> none_____________________________516__________________$0.00
> FWIW - I know what I'll be trying in a pinch.
> Ben
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