[urq] Audi A4 bumpers are well rated

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Fri Aug 17 09:52:28 EDT 2007

agreed on the size issue, but it does seem that mass seems to come
with size. FWIW, I wouldn't, in spite of modern design, want to be in
a multi-car wreck in a Lotus Elise. Single car, okay, multi, NEVER.

Heck, even a Mini is sort of scary these days, and for it's size, it's
quite a bit heavier than even cars of 20 years ago (my GTi, when I
was competing Solo 2 Stock, weighed in on the scales (I worked
impound at that event, so we were bored and scaled our cars) was
2201 lbs, with me in it and a 1/4 tank of gas. A Mini weighs 100 lbs
more, empty.


On 8/17/07, Louis-Alain Richard <larichard at plguide.com> wrote:
> You are partially right, LL...
> Size, like mass and design, is also an advantage if you have
> a crash. Bigger means more crumple zones, more time to
> decelerate, and more space between you and the front of the
> car.
> Look here folks, to scare you to death from the
> smaller/cheaper cars...
> http://www.iihs.org/brochures/ictl/ictl.html and choose the
> 4-door category.
> Want an SRT-4, anyone ? I'd rather ride a Buick, for safety
> sake...
> Louis-Alain
> -----Message d'origine-----
> Of course, Physics tells us, no matter what, in a vehicle
> vs. vehicle
> accident, mass wins, the greater the mass, the lower the
> accelerations, therefore the
> lower the force on the passengers. Single car crashes favor
> the better
> designed cars,
> LL - NY

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