[urq] 80's Audi were Below average LINK to NHTSA crash test .

steven j michellepfeiffersx at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 17 21:26:34 EDT 2007


Shows the ratings (modified to a new 1 to 5 star

1989---	Audi 100-------------	4Dr--	3790	(*****)
1980---	Audi 4000------------	4Dr--	2836	(*    )	(*   
1981---	Audi 5000------------	4Dr--	3361	( N/A )	( N/A
1985---	Audi 5000------------	4Dr--	3397	(*    )
1989---	Audi 80--------------	4Dr--	3320	(**** )
1996-97	Audi A4--------------	4Dr--	3096	(**** )

One star for the 85 5000 and 80 4000.   Look how much
better the newer models did.
Somewhere I have the complete 80 page test on the
5000, which I got directly from the Feds.    I do have
to admit that I was speculating on some of the details
why the results are so bad , but I definatly read that
the steering column moved back in the crash.   You're
probably right about some breakaway on the steering
rack.   The 5000 did really bad - a head injury number
of over 2000 I believe - where a 1990 100 had a number
around 350 - going from vague memories. 
--- Huw Powell <audi at humanspeakers.com> wrote:

> > On Aug 17, 2007, at 5:05 PM, steven j wrote:
> > Feel free to correct me on details.
> I'll try where I can...
> >>I've been looking at the NHTSA crash tests since
> they
> >>came out in about 1979.   The 1985-ish Audi 5000
> got a
> >>horrible crash rating.
> Gee, I'd love to see a link on that.  Considering
> virtually everything 
> that follows is just plain wrong.
> >> With the steering rack on the
> >>firewall and that 5cyl going to the bumper the
> >>steering wheel was pushed back in a crash
> delivering a
> >>punch to the drivers head. 
> The steering column has an offset breakaway section.
>  What you describe 
> is imaginary.
Response  -  yep - I could be wrong about this. 
> >> The 4000's tested at the
> >>time were just the 4cyls - and the results weren't
> as
> >>bad as the 5000, probably because the missing
> cylinder
> >>allowed  an extra 5 inches before it started
> pushing
> >>the steering rack back.  One would imagine a 5cyl
> in
> >>the type 85 would be worse than the 5000 crash
> test.
> One could imagine many things, yes.
> >>Of course if you have an offset crash - and the
> engine
> >>doesn't get pushed back - the car is probably
> fine.
> >>For around 1989 Audi introduced PRO-CON-TEN in the
> 100
> >>and 200 where cables push the engine forward in a
> >>crash and those cars cut driver head injury to low
> >>levels.
> Actually, the engine/tranny being pushed back
> activates the cables, 
> which then lock up the seat belts (and on some cars,
> even retractes the 
> steering column *forward*).
> >>I think when airbags came the pro-con-ten cables
> might
> >>not have been installed, but they were on the
> 100/200
> >>only.
> And the 80/90 from '88 on, among other cars people
> have noted.
> -- 
> Huw Powell
> http://www.humanspeakers.com/audi
> http://www.humanthoughts.org/
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