[urq] Mars Red urq for sale, 86k miles, not rust garage queen

Ben Swann benswann at verizon.net
Fri Dec 7 07:33:17 PST 2007

'87 Sunrunner 23' Chevy 305/260 HP Quadrajet carb. Volvo Penta 225 OD and does about 45MPH. I stripped out the carpet and refloored with custom hatches and an awlgrip finish and re-fitted the 35 Gal aluminum fuel tank.   Before it was a dirt trap, now you just hose it down and much easier to maintain.

Bummer when a racket started just after I did all that work.  I won't get much for it as is, and the dual axle trailer is worth more than the boat right now.  But all is fixable.  Just need to replace the gimbal bearing that started making a lot of racket just after installing brand new exhaust risers. The top of the outdrive needs to come off, so I haven't done the job yet.


p.s. want a picture?

-----Original Message-----
From: Schaible, David [mailto:David.Schaible at jrspharma.com] 
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2007 10:17 AM
To: Ben Swann; hmarcnguyen at netscape.net; URQ
Cc: Ben Swann
Subject: RE: [urq] Mars Red urq for sale, 86k miles, not rust garage queen

i like boats......what do you got ??  is it another mc1 conversion i may pay extra if you dropped a 20v in....
;-).....my 4banger 19ft is a little weak towing a 240lb guy wakeboarding.....could always use an extra cylinder

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Ben Swann [mailto:benswann at verizon.net] 
	Sent: Thu 12/6/2007 11:11 PM 
	To: hmarcnguyen at netscape.net; 'URQ' 
	Cc: 'Ben Swann' 
	Subject: Re: [urq] Mars Red urq for sale, 86k miles, not rust garage queen
	I have a boat that needs a repair that will cost me about $500 in parts and a day labor
	- this is just after putting in about $1000 worth of exhaust manifolds and parts and
	$600 labor.  Without the repair, I'd need to pay to have it towed away and would many
	charities would turn me down if I try to donate it.  With the repair done, I should get
	$6K, and am sure I'll at least get half that if I'm desperate and sell it in the fall.
	Maybe boat is a bad example, but hope you get the idea.

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