[urq] CIS Fuel Pressure Regulator
Ben Swann
benswann at verizon.net
Fri Dec 7 07:58:07 PST 2007
You may be getting this message through the batched messages. DNS is not resolving your
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LMK if you did or did not get the pictures.
From: Ben Swann [mailto:benswann at verizon.net]
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2007 10:45 AM
To: q at pacbell.net
Cc: 'URQ'; 'Ben Swann'
Subject: [urq] CIS Fuel Pressure Regulator
I did this with an MC-1 and pretty sure the CIS metering head is the same. I basically
adapted all the CIS components from the later setup including the fuel lines, external
pressure reg and the frequency valve, and pretty sure I used the warmup regulator from
the later car as well. To be honest I dont remember exactly what went where and do
recall it was a mess getting all the components to work together, but worked fine.
I am sending you some pictures I took of the setup so maybe you can see what I did.
[Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2007 23:26:00 -0800
From: "urq" <urq at pacbell.net>
Subject: [urq] CIS Fuel Pressure Regulator
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Message-ID: <025401c838a2$6af297c0$40d7c740$@net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
I have been hesitant to use my car for anything but very short jaunts with the fuel
injection and ignition control in its current state. Some times the car cranks without
firing, especially if it is cool (can't really say cold here in central California) or
the battery voltage is low. I've been suspecting the hot start pulse relay, but tonight
I unplugged it completely and the car still wouldn't fire. Side note, I opened the
relay up and found there was an adjustment on it ... using a 9 volt battery for power I
adjusted the delay and pulse rate to the slowest possible.
So, I decided to get out the MC-2 fuel distributor and mounting plate to compare with
the original WX unit I used to have on the engine.
Fortunately, when I did the adaptation I mounted the parts from the MC-2 onto the WX
airflow sensor plate/fuel distributor so I can see how they were originally. I think I
now realize what I missed that made it so the car wouldn't start with this plate in
place. The MC-2 has an external fuel pressure regulator, where the WX has the regulator
built into the distributor proper. I removed the MC-2 pressure regulator because
rotating the airflow sensor plate 180 degrees as needed to match the mounting scheme on
the urq moved the regulator from under the quarter panel to interfering with the intake
manifold. I don't know what is in the place where the integral regulator would go ...
but it probably isn't a redundant regulator!
So ... I have two options ... transfer the integral regulator to the MC-2 distributor or
figure out some way to make the external regulator work. The problems I see with the
first option are: the system pressure is different on the WX compared to the MC-2, and I
doubt I'll have the seals and such to do the swap (I also had a bad experience trying to
repair the integral regulator on my '78 Fox). I spent some time looking at what the
individual parts are for the external regulator, and it seems like I'll need to do some
custom fabricated lines to even have a chance of making it work.
ISTR that there are folks here who have adapted the MC-2 fuel distributor to their urq
... if so, I'd appreciate hearing which approach you took ...
transfer the integral regulator or fit the external unit somehow.
Steve B
San Jos?, CA (USA)]
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