[urq] NOT RE: me like MC-2!

urq urq at pacbell.net
Thu Dec 13 23:59:52 PST 2007

... as am I!

I've been thinking a bit about UPG2008 ... I think what it will take is a
small group of folks (est. 4-6) to work together to set things up ... then
hopefully it will be a good enough compromise that we can get good
representation from the available urq fans.  Any other thoughts on ways to
keep progress moving forward?

I doubt much can be done until after the holidays, but if there are any out
there who would be willing to participate in the planning drop me a line.  

So, does anyone know how the audifests came together?  My recollection was
that we opened it up to general discussion, and Pikes Peak was became the
consensus for the destination.  I don't remember how things went from there

Steve B

-----Original Message-----

I'm looking forward to seeing (meeting in person) you - and your car! -
At UPG in 08.  We need get the conversation going again.


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