[urq] [s-cars] What to look for on a 84 urQ

DGraber460 at aol.com DGraber460 at aol.com
Sun Dec 16 13:03:00 PST 2007

In a message dated 12/16/2007 8:32:06 A.M. Mountain Standard Time,  
s.sikss at gmail.com writes:

What  should I look for on a ’84 urQ, 113Kmiles, 225hp 10VT rebuilt  at

I have been using an 83 for a daily driver for several years, and my  
absolute favorite for the snowy days.
Common issues are;
Shifter linkage (bushings)
Brake master hydraulics (cylinder & hoses)
Heater core
Steering hydraulic hoses
Turbo charge hoses
Window regulators
CIS fuel system (all of it)
Control arm bushings (inside & out)
Headlight switch
E-brakes & cables
Windshield - no longer available from _anywhere_!!
Don't let this list scare you off. It's all worth it.
Try to make sure you get to start it from dead cold and full hot. Most CIS  
issues will betray themselves at these 2 points. Also check full throttle boost 
 past 4k RPM. 
Let me know if you get it and need any parts or help. Where are you  located?


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