[urq] UPG2008

urq urq at pacbell.net
Thu Dec 20 00:39:34 PST 2007

. of those who expressed an opinion on the Yahoo Group poll, Moab/Utah has
the least votes . including someone who would be driving from the left coast


I don't think there ever was a true consensus, and selection of venue is
something that will be done in the "subcommittee" . 


As I noted in the other post, I think the next valuable information source
will be for folks to consider their schedules and events around the country
which might serve as rallying points or dates to avoid.  You need to join
the group to add info to the calendar though . 


. just before sending I realized what Sean was asking . no, I don't think
we've seriously considered Pikes Peak for UPG2008 . that's where both
Audifests were held . and I was trying to remember exactly how we arrived at
that location . now that I'm thinking about it ISTR there were rumours that
Michele Mouton would attend.  Perhaps we can make that magic work again .
Louis-Alain, didn't I hear you say that Michele was going to be visiting
Montreal this coming summer?  J


Steve B

San Jose, CA (USA)


I thought we had been leaning heavily on the moab utah / yellowstone options
for 2008? 


What is the time frame?

-----Original Message-----
From: urq <urq at pacbell.net>
To: 'urq list' <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Sun, 16 Dec 2007 9:37 pm
Subject: [urq] UPG2008

I guess I should have changed the subject more ... 
Any thoughts on what I posted here?  Anyone interested in helping out with
the planning?  Does anyone remember how the Audifest planning was done?
Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)
-----Original Message-----
I've been thinking a bit about UPG2008 ... I think what it will take is a
small group of folks (est. 4-6) to work together to set things up ... then
hopefully it will be a good enough compromise that we can get good
representation from the available urq fans.  Any other thoughts on ways to
keep progress moving forward?
I doubt much can be done until after the holidays, but if there are any out
there who would be willing to participate in the planning drop me a line.  
So, does anyone know how the audifests came together?  My recollection was
that we opened it up to general discussion, and Pikes Peak was became the
consensus for the destination.  I don't remember how things went from there
Steve B

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