[urq] Ignition lock cilinder removal

Patrick Carlier p.carlier at pandora.be
Mon Feb 5 15:42:34 EST 2007

Guy's , I need to replace my steering column in my car . 
No big deal , a spare column is availble . 
But I'de like to keep my old key , so that the ignition , the doors etc will still 
have thesame key . 

I remember I need to drill a hole somewhere , and then you 'de push with an allen key 
and the cilinder can be pulled out . 
But I can't seem to find that picture explaining it anymore . 

Oh and before anyone suggests . 
Swapping the enitre lock is not an option , because it's the lower half of the lock that is damaged . 

So I relly need to get that cilinder out and transplant it into another column . 



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