[urq] suddenly Lean - Now I'm Rich!

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Tue Feb 27 14:06:31 EST 2007

... from my POV I think the folks on the list deserve more credit.  I'd put many or most of the folks on this list up against the run of the mill specialist at the dealer ... especially on the cars we're talking about (and since new cars employ computerized troubleshooting and FRU replacement maybe even newer cars too).  What sets us apart?  We typically want to know how the things work ... 

Keith said it himself ... if he had looked at fuel pressure sooner he would have had the problem solved long before.  For me it only highlights the premise that if you are going to keep your urq running with a CIS system you need to have a fuel pressure gauge and a meter that can measure the duty cycle of the OXS Freq valve (for the WX anyway).  Read through the IST docs to understand how the engine is designed to work and you'll be able to fix most anything ... and you'll know more than the specialists!

Steve B
San José, CA (USA)
> You, and I, and all the guys here, we are not professional technicians.
> We are "educated amateurs", if I can say so. So, we take longer time,
> we need help, we assume many things, we make mistakes, then we find
> truth ! It's a painful processus, I know, but, boy! it is rewarding
> when we see the light. (Am I speaking about religion or what ?)
> The less mechanically inclined guys among us just bring the car to a
> specialist, wait for it, then pay the guy what he wants, and forget
> about all the trouble. You see, it's easier to forget the money than
> forget a personal mistake...
> Good job, heal that eye fast, then enjoy the car a while, before "God"
> send you another test for your faith !

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