[urq] suddenly lean again and some measurements
Ingo Rautenberg
ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Sat Jan 6 11:25:52 EST 2007
I'm at the office right now so can't comment on your Part #1
dimensional questions. However, regarding the second part of your
question, I have a feeling that either your full throttle switch is
out of adjustment or the internal contacts are flakey. You should be
able to disconnect the leads and check the operation with an Ohmmeter
for proper operation. If this checks out, then I would think it to be
a wiring issue or (hopefully not the case), cracking solder joints in
the ECU.
On Jan 6, 2007, at 10:48 AM, SpotatAshleys wrote:
> Hapy New Year everyone. I hope so anyway.
> My first request for help of 2007....
> Can anyone with lots of spare bits or undergoing a rebuild supply
> me withthe following measurements please ? -
> #2
> Sometime last year I had a problem that I asked for help on but I
> regretfully did not keep the replies and the problem went away and
> I never found out a cause. Well it has started again. The symptoms
> are as follows:
> If I accellerate hard in any gear it pulls like a train and the air
> fuel meter shows (as expected and desired) a rich mixture. When I
> lift off , change up and re-apply the accellerator the power has
> gone and the mixture has gone lean. If I were to keep my foot down
> this condition would remain. If I lift off and then reapply the
> accellerator then the power returns, the mixture returns to rich
> and it would continue to pull until I ran out of revs. If I keep
> my foot down instead of changing up the mixture remains rich so it
> does not appear to be a case of fuel starvation. (The sediment trap
> upstream of the fuel filter is clear as can be anyway). I have
> removed the "igloo" and looked at the airflow meter flap and there
> is no indication that this sticks in any way - seems to be free to
> move. The injectors were new about 2 years ago as were the injector
> seals. The injectors are held in place with a steel injector
> bracket from a non-turbo coupe quattro and can not move. I have not
> fould any holes or splits in any inlet hoses but as you can tell
> from query #1 I am intending to replace all these. The turbo seems
> in fine condition, never a hint of smoke and was checked for end
> play when the engine was rebuilt about 3 years ago.
> It only ever happens when warm but this is because I never
> accellerate hard until it is properly warm.
> Any ideas? Like I said, it occurred before and went away so I never
> found out the cause.
> Look forward to receiving any suggestions.
> All the best
> Keith
> '87 WR
> '63 Daimler V8
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