[urq] [s-cars] Economical Shipping for Large/Heavy Things

Odyrestorations at aol.com Odyrestorations at aol.com
Tue Jan 2 15:00:14 EST 2007

Freightquote.com  has saved me untold bundles of $$. It is amazing the  range 
of quotes you will get. 
Tom Rasmussen
Odyssey Restorations, Inc.
Mpls MN
95 S6 MTM1+

Most  economical is LTL (less than truckload) freight.  UPS and FedEx  have
this service, as well as a host of other companies.  Basically  you're
shipping a pallet or two.  If you know someone with a shipping  department,
they will be able to get discounted rates.  You'll want it  secured
(strapping and stretch wrap) to the pallet.

Where are you  sending from or going to?  If you need a lift gate truck (no
loading  dock), that'll be extra charge.  To save some money, you can have  it
shipped to the trucking companies local facility where they'll load a  pallet
into the back of your own pickup.  You can also do the same to  save money-
originate from their depot.  I suspect all of the carriers  would help
palletize the freight, at their location, for a fee.

If  you were in my area (Binghamton, NY), I'd offer to help you out.

Good  luck!
Mark Rosenkrantz

On 1/2/07, Ben Swann  <benswann at comcast.net> wrote:
> I'm trying to find the  most economical means to ship an engine block among
> other items.   Any ideas?
> Ben
>  _______________________________________________


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