[urq] Fiber Images Sport Type Hood Update.

Steve Eiche seiche at shadetreesoftware.com
Fri Jan 12 11:36:41 EST 2007

The last I heard just before Xmas was that Fiber Images received the 
stock hood from Bernie, and would be reworking the mold to add the latch 
components and remove the hood pin holes.  Three hoods were built with 
holes for hood pins, but the rest will have the latching provisions.   
It was made clear that latch provisions were part of the deal, so they 
are being added.

I tried calling both Fiber Images and Automekanika yesterday and got no 
answers, but left messages.  I know Fiber Images has a LONG holiday 
break, and may not be back yet.   When I get more news, I will pass it 
on.  If anyone else has more info, please share it with the class.


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