[urq] RE : Lovin' it
audiqtrocp at aol.com
audiqtrocp at aol.com
Tue Jan 16 01:15:25 EST 2007
I feel ya Brandon. I took mine out on sunday for a little romp, just
around the neighborhoods, got some lunch and then home on a few mile
stretch of highway. It wasnt snowy, or "true quattro" weather by any
means, but I guess 40º and sunny will do. Nice cold air and some 100
octane was her treat. the kick in the pants was mine...
I think Im going to replace a few things that are coming due (center
support brg, struts, and exhaust leak) and run it how she sits. The
20v and EFI are going to go on the back burner for now.
I dont want the Ur to be out of comission in the event we all get
together this year, or if I decide to take a major road trip somewhere..
-----Original Message-----
From: laraa at sympatico.ca
To: brogers at terrix.com; urq at audifans.com
Sent: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 7:52 PM
Subject: [urq] RE : Lovin' it
Me too Brandon, mine is my daily driver and I love each minute of
driving I get.
You only have one life to live, so better spend this time behind the
wheel of
something special.
By the way, what was the conclusion on your alternator noise ?
-----Message d'origine-----
Just wanted to make a quick post - seems we ( well, I, for sure) usually
post when something just isn't right (NLA parts, CIS acting up, ball
joints, etc etc) - well I've been driving the urquattro almost
exclusively during the last week as my Daily has been in the shop - and
I gotta say - I am _loving_ it. Its been cold and snowy - great turbo
weather IMO! Now that the suspension is fully sorted and I'm not
dealing with the alternator crap - it has been such a pleasure.
The last few days have once again proved to myself why I deal with all
this crap - the car has been so fun. The power, the braking feel, the
road feel, the SOUND! Even with the cold weather (well not when its 3
deg F) - I sometimes drive with the window a little open - and hearing
the motor at WOT thru 7000 rpm - hard shift into 2nd then 3rd...love it.
Go drive your cars.
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