[urq] BIG thanks!

Jim Miller jmiller at quantumcom.com
Mon Jul 2 14:56:53 EDT 2007

I just wanted to thank everyone that helped me with my starting issue  
on Gobi_1. Re: Starting issues... Hall Sender?
I learned a few new things to look for when I have "car won't start"  
issues. I was lucky I had the spare distributor... turned out to be  
the Hall Sender after all. She ran great at the track event and even  
passed a few Porsches!  The Porsche guys loved the car. Seems like  
everyone has a urq story. All I can say is it's a good thing she got  
sick before I hauled her all the way to Putnam... I carry a lot of  
spare parts when I go to these events... but, I must say that I  
probably wouldn't have pulled that dizzy out of the spare motor  
before I left.
Thanks again to all!

'83 Gobi_1

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