[urq] Early urq control arm bushings - 811 407 181 vs 811 407 181A vs 8a0 407 181

Louis-Alain Richard larichard at plguide.com
Tue Jul 10 16:54:14 EDT 2007

Hi Steve,

IIRW, the 811 part is softer, 857 is harder (stiffer), but both fits OK.
Mine is done with the 811, Eric's is 857. As for the installation, 811's
rubber outside needs to be frozen (1/2 an hour in the freezer) to install
easily, with a liberal coat of dish soap.

On the other hand, the 857 all metal outside will slide in more easily, if
you have enough force provided.

So, use the 857, you just have to know that they don't last as long as the
811 if you have a stock suspension with the long travel springs.


> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : urq-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] De la
> part de steven j
> Envoyé : 7 juillet 2007 16:55
> À : urq at audifans.com
> Objet : [urq] Early urq control arm bushings - 811 407 181 vs 811 407
> 181A vs 8a0 407 181
> I have an old ETKA   which shows an early urq < 500
> vin using bushing 811 407 181 and an 82 coupe gt using
> 811 407 181A -  so a different part.  The urq must be
> a tougher part.   The 83 cgt uses a bushing with a
> steel sleeve surround,  and also the urq's with vin >
> 500 maybe.
> A newer ETKA shows the early A-arm bushing being part
> #  8A0 407 181.   Now at  Arizona autohaus if you put
> that # in it seems to come up with the newer style
> steel surround bushing 857 407 181.   I haven't
> ordered from Audi yet,  but hopefully 8A0 407 181
> won't give me the new style bushing.
> Where is a good source for the old style bushing?
> Will I end up with the cgt 181A part?
> steve
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