[urq] Throttle Body Shaft Linkage swap

Ben Swann benswann at comcast.net
Tue Jul 24 17:28:38 EDT 2007

NO - They use four bolt and slightly larger diameter.  What would work good is
a short 3 bolt to 4 bolt adaptor that would allow a VR6 or 200 TB to mount
onto the older manifold.  Still it would need to be very short in order to
clear the crossmember and attach to intake hose, yet long enough to get the
linkage out of the way.

The way I did it ended up being ideal, just was a lot of extra work.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Kellock [mailto:ekellock at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 4:19 PM
To: Ben Swann
Subject: Re: [urq] Throttle Body Shaft Linkage swap

Is the same throttle body used on the 200q2v and VR6?


On 7/24/07, Ben Swann <benswann at comcast.net> wrote:
> Mine is now back on the car.  The throttle was disassembled and the switch
end cutoff to accommodate an Audi TPS from a 200Q20V or VR6.  I used a plate
that is from 034EFI.  I don't know exactly how it was supposed to be used, as
it did not directly fit the switches.  I was able to make some stancions and
get everything to fit.  It must have been for the KH manifold, since I had to
trim it to fit the WX manifold.  Anyway, now it looks like something that
might have come from the factory.
I'm ready to get back into trying to get the engine running.  The TPS was not
the issue, but thought I'd remove any potential issues.
I'll be posting pictures soon.  It does look good and a lot of work has gone
into making sure things fit well and look good, as well as function properly.
> Ben
> -----Original Message-----
> From: brady zq [mailto:bradyzq at hotmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 12:30 PM
> To: benswann at comcast.net; a.sigal at bluewin.ch
> Cc: urq at audifans.com; quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: [urq] Throttle Body Shaft Linkage swap
> I have an 034 EFI'd urq, and have the same problem. I was told that a KH
> throttle body plastic cam was smaller than my urq's WX, so I found one. Same
> thing. No help at all. So, if you say the urq is the closest to fitting,
> then forget the KH.
> What I've done is ugly, and hopefully temporary (been a couple of years
> now), but it works. I'm using the cruise control ball and socket end as the
> end of my throttle cable. Alittle cutting, bending, looping, crimping, and
> it will be solidly attached.
> The TPS is a cheapie GM piece (Sunfire, I think) that has been fitted on the
> other end of the throttle shaft from the cable.
> Everything works fine, however, I have lost the progressive nature that the
> black plastic cam provided.
> HTH,
> Brady
> >From: "Ben Swann" <benswann at comcast.net>
> >
> >Ado,
> >
> >Thanks. I was able to take them apart.  Turns out not only the shaft was
> >longer on the 5000 one, but also larger diameter, so cant swap them.
> >
> >I'm working on adapting the end - not trivial.
> >
> >Surprising I have not seen anyone complain about issues with interference
> >between the throttle bodies and fuel rails when doing EFI conversion.  The
> >cable end smashes into the 034EFI fuel rail on every throttle body and
> >manifold combination I've tried.  The only one that is close is the Ur
> >QuattroTB where I could bend the eye that the cable end fits in.  No way to
getthe5000 manifold and TB to work with this fuel rail.
> >
> >Ben
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Ado Sigal [mailto:a.sigal at bluewin.ch]
> >
> >No BTDT, but in essence you are going to end up with shorter shaft with
> >slot for TPS. Wouldn't be easier to cut and file the shaft to suit, than
> >to remove butterfly and all that. Even if it fails, you can always do
> >the swap. BTW, shaft is one piece, and 2 sunk in screws hold the
> >butterfly. Must clean the shaft before removing, and adjust butterfly
> >and Locktite the screws after the swap.
> >
> >Ado
> >
> >
> >Ben Swann wrote:
> >
> > >I am trying to swap the shaft and certain parts from the later MC-1
> >throttlebody to an earlier WX (Ur Quattro) throttle body.  This is so I can
usethelater switch(actually TPS) from later models.

> > >ANY BTDT on removing the shaft?  Is the shaft one piece that goes all the
> >way> > >through or does it split somewhere? Any diagrams.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >Ben

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