[urq] West Coast UPG G2G

urquattro at comcast.net urquattro at comcast.net
Thu Jun 7 12:45:44 EDT 2007

Just looking at this from another angle...

I printed out a quickie Google Map, because I was curious what a "geographically" balanced location would be between the Bay Area, Portland, and Seattle, which is where it seems like the majority of folks would be coming from (just guessing here). 

A spot that pops up, and might actually be really cool, is Crater Lake National Park, NW of Klamath Falls. It's close to equidistant between Seattle and San Jose, and by my guess would be about a 7-8 hour drive from either location. Also, great photo ops. One caveat here is I know at least one of you have issues with Oregon State Troopers...

I think realistically, most of us would prefer something that is within a 10-12 hour drive; anything further is a real challenge in one day, and I don't think many people can schedule more than a 1-day trip each way to an event. 

I like the Monterey Historics idea, but it's a long haul for any Washington types, and I think would push things just a little too far south to truly make this a "West Coast" event. 

As far as Infineon, that would be a -really- easy one for me accomodations-wise, but I'm not personally into general audi club events. The whole "You have to pay to join our club before we will let you pay to attend our driving event" thing gets on my nerves. 

I'm still open to a Reno/Virginia City location...never spent too much time in those parts, but from the pictures it looks like a picturesque location.

Hopefully we can keep the dialogue going on this...in terms of timing, September would be cool for me, and it's a decent time of year most places, weather-wise. If we got something planned out this month, it would allow folks a few months to prep for a gathering...


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