[urq] 2 Bennett Alternator Bracket to attach to A/C compressor

alexander stickler a_stickler at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 26 16:50:21 EDT 2007

I know that a few UrQ owners out there have managed to place a larger intercooler on the passenger side by installing the alternator on a bracket under the A/C compressor.  I think these came from 2Bennett.  I have heard that a few people have switched away from this idea because it makes the alternator sit really low.  

Does anyone have one of those brackets sitting in their garage that they want to part with? Send me an e-mail, I'm looking for one.  a_stickler at yahoo.com


Alex Stickler 
'83 UrQ with 3B
'90 V8 Q, 385,000 km (for sale! cheap!)

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