[urq] UPG 2008

urq urq at pacbell.net
Wed Nov 7 07:14:19 PST 2007

... as noted in a prior message, there is a Yahoo Group called urquattro
which I created ... it has space for pictures and files ... and I did start
a poll for figuring out a location.  So far, other than myself there are
only two who have signed up ... 

The place I remember we left things was that Louis-Alain indicated he'd only
be able to make it as far as MN ... not sure if that is the same for others
who live up near him ... but there was no suggestion as to where in MN a
good meeting place might be.  Hey, we could meet at the Mall of America!  :)
If I could drive to Indianoplace, I could drive to MN ... I've got relatives
there too.  I suspect that not many others from the left coast would be able
to venture that far ... but I can say that I made it from MN to Sacramento,
CA in two days ... 

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)

-----Original Message-----

I have that on this Excel Spreadsheet.
At least what I THINK are peoples 1st, 2nd, 3rd choice.

Can anyone post the file.  Or can I E-mail to the entire list for people to

There eare only about 15 people so far though.  We need a lot more.  LOTS

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