[urq] Phase 1 Complete! Thanks!

Stephen Redford shr42 at msn.com
Mon Nov 12 15:17:51 PST 2007

--------- Dennis , I have a New in the Box , O34 II B, which Javad said was upgradeable to "C".    I do not have a harness , etc. Just the ECU.  Are you interested ?    Stephen Redford  shr42 at msn.com<mailto:shr42 at msn.com> 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: dgraber460 at aol.com<mailto:dgraber460 at aol.com> 
  To: tquattroguy at yahoo.com<mailto:tquattroguy at yahoo.com> ; urq at pacbell.net<mailto:urq at pacbell.net> ; urq at audifans.com<mailto:urq at audifans.com> 
  Sent: Monday, November 12, 2007 11:40 AM
  Subject: Re: [urq] Phase 1 Complete! Thanks!

  Very timely post as I'm "almost" at the same point of ownership and frustration. Actually I'm not that frustrated but wanting to move up to another level one of these days. I've "schrapnel knobbed" my way to the limit?of stock fueling parts.
  034 EFI hasn't been discussed for awhile, and I would be interested in any info you have, or come across that would help in my planning and budgeting. (i.e. costs, needed mods, other parts etc.)

  Dennis Graber
  Quality Linings & Painting
  Denver, CO

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Todd Phenneger <tquattroguy at yahoo.com<mailto:tquattroguy at yahoo.com>>
  To: urq <urq at pacbell.net<mailto:urq at pacbell.net>>; urq list <urq at audifans.com<mailto:urq at audifans.com>>
  Sent: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 6:38 pm
  Subject: Re: [urq] Phase 1 Complete! Thanks!

  Congratulations Steve,

  I've about given up on the fueling on my CIS.  It never quite seems to run
  "Right".  I'm sure dropping $250 on new injectors would help dramatically,
  but I'm thinking of doing an 034efi Fuel only system.  Using the Mac-11 ECU
  to control the spark "Chipped ECU" but ditching the fuel system for Real
  Injectors and real fuel control.

  But that's Off Topic.  Congrats on the conversion.


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