[urq] Intrax springs for UrQ - Any BTDTs?

alexander stickler a_stickler at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 28 10:39:51 PST 2007

I am looking at getting a set of lowering springs and it appears that what is out there is H&R and Intrax and Weitec.

A found a place that sells the Intrax springs, they are described as a progressive rate spring, and are said to lower the car about 35mm front and back, which I think is about the same as the H&R.

1. Any experience with the Intrax springs? Better than stock (aside from lowering for looks)? Worse? Better than H&R? Worse than H&R?

2. Any other options out there?  I can only find the Weitecs at D&W in Germany. Any thoughts on those?

3. Anybody have a set of aftermarket springs around they want to part company with? 

4. Or, do you have a set of shorter factory springs kicking around? I have the earlier (up to '83) springs, later factory one are shorter (according to Martin, whom I trust 100%).



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