[urq] UPG 2008 Planning
Todd Phenneger
tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 15 10:02:08 PDT 2007
SURE it can.
Alex N. used to pull his Racecar 4ktq with his 91' 200. But he had
coil-overs in the rear to support the tongue weight, and he had a really
cool hitch design that was X-braced into the frame. I think it went through
his spare tire mounting area.
I guess the point is, it made a GREAT highway tow vehicle. But with high
gearing I would not want to tow a car in DownTown SanFran with all the
hills. You'd burn the clutch up pretty fast. And you might have to do
quite a bit of permanent mods to the Chassis to make it work.
But it will work. Just don't tell U-Haul.
> From: Thomas Pollock <tompollock2002 at yahoo.com>
> Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2007 18:38:00 -0700 (PDT)
> To: <DGraber460 at aol.com>, <urq at audifans.com>
> Subject: Re: [urq] UPG 2008 Planning
> Hey guys... I've been following this and you can put me down as a last minute
> decision. I'm currently unemployed so nothing stopping me from going ANYWHERE.
> 8-) Only catch is, anything beyond a day and the old girl is coming on a
> trailor. Can an Urs4 pull an Urq ?
> cheers,
> tom.
> DGraber460 at aol.com wrote:
> OK- wanting to help UPG some traction, I have read most of the posts and
> tried to filter most of the input relating to majority preferences and
> desires.
> Following is my input and opinions, hopefully well thought-out, and very
> intentional regarding objectivity, and making every attempt to be impartial.
> The important components for most responders seem to be:
> 1) Race track
> 2) Scenic and challenging day trip/road trip availability
> 3) Coordinating event (i.e. professional race series or other major
> function)
> 4) Attractions/Amenities/Infrastructure
> 5) West Coast accessibility
> 6) East Coast accessibility
> My main interest, which I think is shared by everyone, is to gather as many
> URQs as possible. A recurring annual event would be fantastic!
> I believe that trying to gather from both coasts with a central location to
> both will achieve neither. While the suggestions of Kansas City & Omaha are
> very central and would be on my “go†list (1 day trip), I think we would
> not
> get much attendance from either coast. The recent Park City Utah event saw
> only 10 cars, most of which were from Colorado. Planning an event 800 miles
> farther East (i.e. K.C.) and I feel the participation will be even less. I
> have
> also not to date seen much East coast interest. Any interest in K.C from
> eastern listers?
> After much map searching and numerical evaluation, Colorado Springs meets
> the top 4 of the above components with an “A†rating, and #5 with a B or C
> (admittedly F on 6).
> The general consensus, which I share is, seems to be that the travel limit
> is a “one day one way†distance. While Colorado Springs is not a day trip
> from the West coast, K.C is not a day trip from either coast.
> Another point to consider is that there are by conservative estimates,
> approximately 25+ URQs in the Colorado front-range area.
> I’m willing to compromise and contribute whatever resources of time and
> effort I can to bring this to fruition.
> Dennis
> Denver
> Have URQ – will travel (1 day one way)
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