[urq] UPG 2008 Planning

James Bufkin jbufkin at austin.rr.com
Tue Oct 16 10:12:28 PDT 2007

Can people please clip their responses so we don't have all the previous 
posts in the message summary?

I'm in Texas and will do anything up to Wyoming.  I've driven to Chicago 
in one long day of driving and I think thats about it.
I could do a 1.2 day drive where I get up early on the day of the event 
and finish off the last 2 hours or so.  Canada and Mexico are not possible.

As my car isn't exactly pleasant to drive  around for any length, I'm 
towing it.  Local activities that involve speed on track are good.
Lineups and car show stuff is okay too.  So I very much like the idea of 
a track.   A drive through the country(aka cruises on public streets) at 
the venue doesn't work for me unless I get my street car running sooner 
than later.


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