[urq] In Tank Screen Removal

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Wed Oct 17 12:55:11 PDT 2007

I really doubt the screen will slow down fuel thru that pipe, unless it's  
seriously clogged!  If it appears clean from the visual I'd leave it  alone.  I 
used the term "brutally" because if you go at that from atop,  it's gonna be 
ugly, but it can be done.  I'd try running what you have, and  if it shows 
that's not enough fuel, you may want to get the tank cut and  rewelded, and you 
can also have the tank place put another feed put on  at that time as well.  The 
audi in-tank and the audi prefilter will flow a  lot of fuel, your real 
restriction is between the pump and the engine  anyhow.  You should be able to see 
if there is cavitation at the prefilter,  and you can ck pump output and 
pressure and Fuel pressure regulator operation to  see if you are getting enough 
HTH and my .02
Scott J
86 CGT Tornado 
84 Urq  Tornado
83 Urq  Amazon
91 v8  Pearl
83 Urq Steamboat Mars

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