[urq] (Off Topic) UPG 2008 Planning (OT)

Brandon Rogers brogers at terrix.com
Thu Oct 18 08:04:11 PDT 2007

I think if I had a 4kq or urq down there where the roads are "$hit" -
I'd want the car at rally height or something - certainly softer sprung,
no? - a local lister here in Denver has a 4ktq (20v) with, I think , 90
springs - sits a little high but still looks cool.  And I'd want softer
dampers, too I'd think.  Not marshmallow - but more complient for sure.

Stock '83 springs, Fuchs, aux lights - go baby go!


-----Original Message-----
From: urq-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] On
Behalf Of Todd Phenneger
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 1:26 AM
To: Ben Swann; urq list
Subject: Re: [urq] (Off Topic) UPG 2008 Planning (OT)

I kinda made it as a Joke.  But if anyone ever does want a RoadTrip to
Belize I have a spare Bedroom and parking under my tree.  And I'm a
20min Cessna Flight from the 2nd longest Reef in the world and a 1hr
drive from the RainForest Central and mayan ruins.

As for driving, well since its just driving through Mexico legalites are
easy for any Canadian, American, Mexican.  The drive from Houston is
about 3-days if your drive somewhat normal long days.  IE....8-12hr
days.  "This is from what the Truckers Say".

Roads are SHIT Down here though.  My 4ktq is built pretty well but its
getting pounded.  I think I just broke a top spring perch in half.
Mandatory ur-q content:......  I'm running an Ur-q suspension with
Bilstien HD's.  I think I'll be upgrading to coilovers soon.

When I drive to South America it will be in my Land Rover.  I want the
freedom to explore the Jungle on the way and go wherever I please.  But
my dream has been to drive all around South America.  From Seattle down
to the top of Chile and back up through Brazil, Venezuela, etc.  The
kicker is getting through Columbia.  Gotta be in Caravan.
Check out the following sites if your curious.  FYI..if anyone is a
Rover Nut one of the Discoveries from the Longitude expedition is for
sale right now.

Pretty cool organization.  The two expeditions I like are Latitude and
Longitude. Both done in LandRovers but done VERY Differently.  Latitude
was done in old 1960's Doormobiles and Longitude done recently in 2003
Discovery's.  Anyhow, take a look.  Awesome pics and video from the
trips around the world.

These guys organized that expedition but what I like even better is the
LATITUDE Expedition in old Series Dormobiles.
  And watch the video.  Its small but its good some cool scenery.  How
fun would that be.


Longitude has a nice intro & movie too.




Todd : Having delusions of my dream of driving around South America.
The little graphic on the drivearound the world index looks so cool.

> From: Ben Swann <benswann at comcast.net>
> Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 14:13:44 -0400
> To: 'urq list' <urq at audifans.com>
> Subject: Re: [urq] UPG 2008 Planning
> Belize sounds great to me, but could you really drive there without 
> major international restrictions - forget the distance.  My ultimate 
> dream is to drive down through the
> Andes out to MachuPichu, Nazca and maybe to the end of the world in
chile in
> the UrQ or
> ES2Coupe.  Really a pipe dream, but would be so cool to do that.
> So back to reality keeps me within a days travel(8-12 hours drive) and

> only when I can spare and extended weekend.  So whatever that is from
> Annapolis/Baltimore/Washington
> D.C. area.  The good news is the UrQuattro can really be driven just
about any
> distance
> reliably now - at least as soon as the fuel pump is replaced - today I
> Good Idea about the Frapp Mapp http://www.frappr.com/upg2008 - I just 
> added myself.
> Ben
> [Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 19:25:24 -0600
> From: Todd Phenneger <tquattroguy at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: [urq] UPG 2008 Planning
> :
> OH
> As for me.
> I can likely only drive 1-day unless I'm single and have vacation 
> time. But...I'd be up for Jackson Hole
> Denver CO Area
> Black Hills
> Road Atlanta
> Belize, Central America.]
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