[urq] 016 Trans and AAN w/3B flywheel

Jack Walker jack at walkerperformancegroup.com
Sun Oct 21 12:38:39 PDT 2007

I’m getting to some of the last parts necessary to fit the AAN into my UrQ.


I’ve got a 93 S4 AAN motor, Fidanza Aluminum 3B Flywheel, a (very slightly
used) Spec stage 3+ Clutch and Pressure Plate.

I’m in the process of having the PP and Flywheel balanced…

I’ve been told, but can’t remember right now and can’t find it in my notes;

Which throw out bearing and Pilot Bearing do I use with this combination?


Thought it was the stock 016 (like a UrQ) pilot bearing and stock T/O


Appreciate the info….assuming someone might know!


Jack Walker

Walker Performance Group

6327 SW Hiawatha Ct.

Lake Oswego, Oregon  97035


"mailto:jack at walkerperformancegroup.com"jack at walkerperformancegroup.com


(503) 807-3807 Cel.

(503) 684-0353


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