[urq] As the Flywheel Turns ...

urq urq at pacbell.net
Sun Oct 21 22:06:58 PDT 2007

Thanks Dennis!  (and others)


While I could probably afford to have it done, I decided to just go with it
the way it is.  I sensed a bit of frustration on John’s part, and I want to
get the car back on the road again.  At first I thought that it wasn’t even
going to be possible to get a MC-2 to run with the MAC-02 because of the
repositioning of the reference pin 
 Basically I’m looking to get the car
back to about the condition it was in before 
 not to tweak it too much.
I’ve got a garage full of parts for a “tweaked” motor 
 and hey, now I’ve
got the flat flywheel for it 


It will be interesting to see how the project goes from here out 
 I have
the ability to go to the dual knock sensor now that I’ve got the MC-2 block

 but rather than the MAC-14 I may very well decide to go with a more modern
EFI/spark system.  Today I’d say that I’ll still go with the MAC-14 


I got a couple questions off line about the way things are going to be set
 the engine, EM and turbo are from the MC-2, as is the fuel distributor
and metering plate.  The airbox, intercooler and intake manifold are from
the WX.  It has the single oil filter from the MC-2, but the oil cooler is
the WX with different fittings on the lines.  The oil pan is the alloy pan
with the detachable extension and windage tray.  One of the things I hate
about the MC engine is the funky cast rubber EGR hose that goes from the
crank area to the valve cover 
 I told John that I’d seen some motors had a
fitting with a smaller mouth that would allow a standard hose.  Well, he had
a bit of a clearance problem with the plate that the bomb attaches to, and
the smaller fitting makes fitting the bomb possible.  The flywheel is the
stock WX, with a standard Sachs clutch kit.  


My only worry is that the OXS Freq Valve driver in my MAC-02 still works!
It was getting balky from time to time 


Steve B

San José, CA (USA)


If you have the time and resources, I would recommend that you have a
machine shop lighten and re-balance the flywheel. When mine was out , I had
them take 10-12 lbs off that large outer lip. Cost about $100 but was well
worth it in my book. Gives the car somewhat different personality of being
lighter and "quicker".

I think its the best mod I've done to date.


As Colin Chapman said - "Add lightness".



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