[urq] UPG 2008 Planning

James Bufkin jbufkin at austin.rr.com
Mon Oct 22 12:51:45 PDT 2007

Couple of Factoids.

We have people that are willing tol travel from the East coast AND we 
have people that will travel from the west coast.  We have alot of 
people in between willing to travel.  Those of us in between have it 
easy.  1 day will pretty much get us to the event, only input we have is 
some minor technical feedback and pushing to shave a few hours off our 
drive here or there.

For the East Coasters and West Coasters, they're going to have a drive 
of a couple of days if they want to meet up in the center.  If you live 
on the East or West Coast then you are facing a 2 day or 1.5 day trip 
each way.   Meaning 5 days minimum for this event.  

So.. This event needs to be called and happen somewhere geographically 
between midway California and New England.  its as simple as that.   
Everyone else and that includes me and people in Colorado and Chicago 
are much closer so its not that big a deal.  

I think people in the deep South East like Florida might actually 
necessiate keeping the location more south central because otherwise 
they are in fact facing almost 3 days to get to Wyoming.  

In my opinion we have enough interest to go ahead with a central location. 
A quick google search reveals that many other Car clubs have their 
national meets in locations like Kansas City, Auburn Indiana, etc.

Im also a firm beliver in the more the merrier, so Id suggest making 
this an I5 Blowout.  Basically anything with 5 cylinders and 4 rings!  
Bring it.


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