[urq] UPG 2008 Frappr Map
Thomas Pollock
tompollock2002 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 23 11:10:28 PDT 2007
someone hacked at it and hosed it.... 8-(
I don't have the time right now to see if I can get it fixed as I currently have a no-start condition on my Urs4. Think it's a dead ecu (after it was repaired a while back) and neither the company who did the actual ecu repair, or the shop I used seem unwilling to help. The ecu repair shop says "one year warrantee and we won't even look at a checksum error" even though the shop says "guarantee for life, and exact same failure last time". wtf !
I'm about to start poking around myself unless someone out there has a spare I can buy/borrow ?
Steve E, are you still in the ecu repair business ? any tips ?
"Schaible, David" <David.Schaible at jrspharma.com> wrote:
I'm now selling my urq so I don't have to stress over the
gtg........first $20k takes it ;-)
-----Original Message-----
From: Ingo Rautenberg [mailto:ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 1:40 PM
To: urq list
Subject: Re: [urq] UPG 2008 Frappr Map
Hmm. Went to look at that Frappr map again and it's not coming up.
Is it just me?
On Oct 16, 2007, at 9:51 AM, Thomas Pollock wrote:
> Hey guys...
> I'm trying to put a frappr map together to show everyones
> location. If you've never seen one, it's a map showing push pins
> for loctions of members. You can include pictures of your ride for
> everyone to see! Someone else had done this for the Urs4 list and
> it's kind of cool so I thought I'd give it a shot for the UPG2008.
> I "think" I have it setup correctly but I can't seem to get the
> frappr page to send mail to our distribution email sooo.......
> Here's the link. http://www.frappr.com/upg2008
> If you want to add y'ur self to the map, click it and follow the
> directions...
> cheers,
> tom.
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