[urq] UPG 2008

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Tue Oct 23 16:04:04 PDT 2007

I believe if we get the value high enough, 100 urq's to a ur-qfest can be a  
reality...  Marketing the value 'just hangin' works regionally, I  just don't 
see that working for any national gathering.  The issues I  see with choosing 
location first, is 100 urq's requires coordination, planning,  and someone to 
take all that on.  I know it's a lot of work, and remotely  it's exponential, 
btdt every year for the past 6 at Steamboat with just 25  participants. 
What needs to be expected, IMO, is that we be ready for an  ur-qfest of 
larger proportions.  I suspect it's quite possible, and hold  the opinion that the 
value of the venue is in the what and how of the event  choices.  I'm willing 
to take on the Indy program, because it's close, I  have close ties to and 
worked with a gent that has put on 0-fest there with  250+ cars, and the choices 
of specific events has a broad spectrum.  And,  crap, what if it gets so big 
that all living urq owners want to go?   Then the value of the venue becomes 
the choices you have.
What I specifically don't see, is 50 rogue urq's sliding under the  radar 
anywhere on a spontaneous road trip GTG anywhere without state troopers  getting 
some of the spoils, we could barely do that with 6 quattros caravaning  to 
Steamboat from Chicago.  That's exactly what rally's are for, and  properly done, 
they are welcomed by the locals and the constables alike.   While allowing 50 
or more urq's to enjoy a pre-plotted route of good driving  roads.  
The value of a 2-4 day event is maximizing the time and the  venue.  I say 
forget a track event, combine simpler activities with higher  value per dollar 
spent.  I take pride in that simple philosophy was what  spawned Gruppe-q 
taking on Steamboat, independent of ACNA.
Scott Justusson
In a message dated 10/23/2007 3:29:35 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
audiqtrocp at aol.com writes:

If this  is going to be the queen mother of all UrQuattro gatherings, 
celebrating  25 Years of the UrQ in the USA, I'd almost vote to hold it 
in daggum  Minnesota, whether you are a fan of the "Club" or the 
Andersons / Beddors,  you have to appreciate what Minnesota has done for 
the along the way for  UrQuattrodom.   That being said, I'd still have a 
hard time with  that length of drive (crossing the plains).   Now if 
there were  a hundred UrQ's, that would be some divine  motivation.



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