[urq] EFI + MAC-14 maxing ataround 5k RPM

Ben Swann benswann at verizon.net
Tue Oct 23 20:05:04 PDT 2007


I'm running on bank #1.

Yes - rich generally at positive pressure.  Cruising is typically lean and decel way
lean.  Idle rich, slight load tad rich.

BTW, my measurements are all off a narrow-band O2 sensor.  I just got an Inovate and
start hooking up tomorrow, but may be missing the bung.

One more thing - I have a nasty exhaust leak in the downpipe to turbo gasket and need to
fix that.  So much for doing jobs twice.


-----Original Message-----
From: Cody Forbes [mailto:cody at 5000tq.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 10:55 PM
To: Ben Swann; quattro at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [urq] EFI + MAC-14 maxing ataround 5k RPM

Which driver are you running your injectors off of? If you are using the 
bank 2 driver then we are 75% closer. Bank 2 is being driven at double the 
duty cycle of bank 1, which indicates a setting off in the 'constants' menu.

Also you are mega rich any time over atmostpheric pressure. From what I see 
you need to lean it out in the over 100kpa section, aim for between 0.65 and 
0.7v on the O2 as long as it's under 200kpa.


Ben Swann wrote:
> OK check out the logs I sent you.  If I recall, I was seeing some
> high percentages on pulse width.  I just don't understand why with
> these injectors, unless I'm overfueling and perhaps with injectors at
> around 100% any semblance of measured fuel output goea out the window.
> Ben
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cody Forbes [mailto:cody at 5000tq.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 10:14 PM
> To: Ben Swann; quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: [urq] EFI + MAC-14 maxing ataround 5k RPM
> Ben Swann wrote:
>> So if my max pw is 11.9 but if a rev. happens in only 11 ms then the
>> injector pw > rev,
>> so injector is open 100%.
> On the main screen there is a PW gauge and duty cycle gauge. You can
> watch
> the duty cycle gauge to see if it hits 100%, and you can watch the PW
> gauge
> to see if it bounces wildly when the engine starts cutting out.
> Unless you changed something you are still using my setup with a
> re-tuned
> map. I rev my car to 8,000rpm no problem both when I had 42lb
> injectors and
> now on the 75's, so it's unlikely that your issue is there. Verify
> you are
> on 1 injection per revolution on the 'constants' screen.
> How about taking a quick log and sending it to me? All you'd need to
> do is
> fire it up, let it warm up, and slowly increase revs until the
> cut-out -
> that should be enough for me to find any evidence if there is any to
> find.
> Send your settings file too. We'll get this licked if I have to drive
> my ass
> back out there! I want to visit the Udvar Hazy Air&Space Museum annex
> anyways!
> -Cody 

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