[urq] Accommodating OXS Freq Valve Problems with MAC-02

urq urq at pacbell.net
Wed Oct 24 21:28:10 PDT 2007

Well, the car is coming together now ... and I realize that one of the
intermittent problems I had with the WX was that the driver for the OXS Freq
Valve would malfunction sometimes after a cold start.  When this happened
the car would start and idle, but any attempt to apply throttle would cause
the engine to stumble and perhaps stall.  I remember this happened on the
way to Laguna Seca on the way to some race there ... 

So, assuming this will still be the case on my car I'm wondering what I will
need to do to make the engine run when the OXS Freq Valve is not.  Any
thoughts?  Does it make any difference trying to power the valve as opposed
to leaving it powered down?  I never found a reliable way to get the driver
working when it failed ... it seemed like it needed to warm up.  

I think I have another MAC-02 here, but I think it was working worse than
the one I have in the car now!

Steve B
San José, CA (USA)

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