[urq] Too much Crankcase ventalation?

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Wed Sep 5 07:30:11 EDT 2007

It's not easy to get it right, I put that in the original response,  btdt.  
I'm pretty convinced that audi went after saving money on the design  of the 
DOHC valve covers...  With a double wall design (I figured was used  in the old 
WRC cars) of the early 5k's, high rpm splashing isn't an  issue.  I suspect 
that something similar in design to the cover that  keeps splashing from 
directly hitting the oil cap might help, along with a  reroute of the rear breather.  
I've also seen some pretty exotic design PCV  baffles put in valve covers 
(toyota has some really intriguing designs.
Every single car sold in the USA since 1968 has closed loop PCV.   There are 
plenty of high HP exotics included that don't require customers to  empty 
catch cans, or watch oil puking from the exhaust.  Again, IMO, catch  cans are the 
easy answer to a more complicated issue.
In a message dated 9/5/2007 6:05:57 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
vegener at post7.tele.dk writes:

I would  love if it was that easy -
Just now I am battling with too much oil in the  catch tank.
My block is a WR 83 w/o the lower crankcase breather system  connection (came 
in 84 ).
I have placed a 3B 20V head and on top an ADU  valvecover with plugs on coil.
This valve cover have an external oil  returnline (I have realized now) and 
are just making it working that  way.
There is not much room inside the valvecover to find a place, where  the cams 
are not splashing oil and a strong accelerations
- high revs -  the valvecover simply gets full of oil.
I have apparently a weak clutch  (034EFI 800 Nm) and a 1/4mile where most of 
the 12 sec are at the rev  limiter 7800 rpm
can pump 3/4 litre of oil out. (not supposed to 7800 rpm  but that happens)
I have a small returnline to the aux oil resorvoir at the  3B pan from a 
Vortex air/oil separator but not big enough.

Claus  Vegener

Urq-83 20V 525Hp
200 20V Avant 280Hp


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